Saturday, March 26, 2011

Alianora the Swan-may and the Law/Chaos alignment war

So, I am reading Three Hearts and Three Lions from Appendix N.

Last night I was introduced to Alianora the Swan-may. In my mind, I always assumed the swan-may was a creation of D&D, seeing one in an Appendix N novel got me excited as it would be neat to make a clear connection from the book to D&D. Not so, here is some information about them, seems it is a popular theme across many cultures.

That is not a bad thing, anything that has a common theme across cultures should be easy to incorporate into the mythology of ones own campaign with relative ease.

‘And a chancy place ‘tis for mortals,’ said Alianora gravely. She leaned forward. ‘Which side be ye on?
Law or Chaos?’

Wow, that is a breach of etiquette - she basically asked what his alignment is. Holger answers ‘Law, I suppose,’ which at this moment says to me that alignment should be a tool and guideline, not a straight-jacket.

Also at this point in the story, he's not sure what to make of everything - I am hoping that through the rest of the book the author expands on this and 'Law' is what Holger would have done naturally, without thought, instead of it being a conscience choice. We'll see.

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